Monday, April 23, 2007

50 Things You Should Do In Your Life
  1. Kiss a Movie Star
  2. Swim with a dolphin
  3. Take the next taxi to the ariport and catch the next plane to anywhere
  4. Run a marathon
  5. Do something you fear
  6. Bungee Jump
  7. Travel from coast to coast across the world
  8. Eat something you have caught
  9. Make fire without matches
  10. Have your portrait painted
  11. Win a premiership
  12. Brew your own beer
  13. Go to the opening night of the ballet
  14. Buy cowboy boots in Nashville
  15. Become the next internet phenomenon
  16. Walk the red carpet at Oscar award night
  17. Shower under a waterfall
  18. Fall in love in Paris
  19. Break up in Rome
  20. Write song
  21. Read a book in one sitting
  22. Go to the World Cup Final
  23. Hug a stranger everyday for a week
  24. Talk to a stranger on the bus
  25. Learn to fly a helicopter
  26. Create a cult website and sell it for millions
  27. Ride the biggest roller-coaster in the world
  28. Memorise a poem
  29. Start your own business
  30. Buy a share in a racehorse
  31. Get a tattoo
  32. Play lead guitar in a band
  33. Meet someone with your own name
  34. Have a star named after you
  35. Drink tequila in Mexico
  36. Create a world record
  37. Invent the next must-have Christmas toy
  38. Go to safari
  39. Fly in a hot air balloon across the desert
  40. Grow your own vegetables
  41. Design your own cocktail
  42. Shoot a short film
  43. Go white-water rafting
  44. Milk a cow
  45. Watch a lunar eclipse
  46. Learn to tango
  47. Go Date with five boys/girls in one day
  48. Collect something pointless
  49. Spend a night in a haunted house
  50. Live overseas




At 8:37:00 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

51. get married and forget about all the above !!

Just kidding.. just kidding...

Good luck, Its a very sinsible your list...

At 9:05:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh ya getting married pani ta ho ni ta !! you should put that point in No.51 what do you think Sadhana ???

At 10:21:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sadhana!!

I have done about five of them now 45 left..heheh really I am not kidding !!!

At 5:10:00 am , Blogger archana said...

i would like to do
point no: 16,25,34,36

At 10:33:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like to talk with strangers in the bus and that's how I met my girlfriend on my way to Pokhara last year.

At 12:36:00 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you missed the 51th thing to include, here it is :-

"read Sadhana's Blog"

At 1:56:00 am , Blogger Nirab Pudasaini said...

okies i score 10 on 50 . I have done the 17,21,24,28,33,38,40,42,44,45 and i think i ll be doing a few more preety soon.

At 2:42:00 am , Blogger Sadhana said...

Good On You Speed for doing 10 out of 50 and All The Best for remaining 40.

At 2:43:00 am , Blogger Sadhana said...

That was pretty interesting Swarnim!!

At 10:48:00 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lau, jpt bhayo ni tyo ta
kiss the movie star re.

At 3:53:00 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

really a long list and i love to do few one like bungee jumping, playing the worlds' largest rollarcoaster, water rafting, shoot a short film, and of course Create a cult website and sell it for millions and some others too....but some are really very crazy like satying whole night in the hunted is terrifying...

At 3:23:00 am , Blogger Rajesh Tandukar said...

Hi Sadhana,

Lots of things to do but less time.I love to do no. 5,6,20,25,29,31,41,43 & 49. Among these i have done no. 5,20 and 32.Remaining let see.... And i don't like no.33 and 34.

At 7:55:00 pm , Blogger Basanta said...

OMG, what a list!
I have done 4, 21,24,40 and 50. And 33, a friend in my college had his first, middle and family names same to mine.

At 3:22:00 pm , Blogger NKM said...

Where does blogging come in line?


At 12:17:00 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did 6 out of this 50

At 1:23:00 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

म एडम्स KEVIN, Aiico बीमा plc को एक प्रतिनिधि, हामी भरोसा र एक ऋण बाहिर दिन मा व्यक्तिगत मतभेद आदर। हामी ऋण चासो दर को 2% प्रदान गर्नेछ। तपाईं यस व्यवसाय मा चासो हो भने अब आफ्नो ऋण कागजातहरू ठीक जारी हस्तांतरण ई-मेल ( गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क। पनि इमेल गरेर हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ तपाईं aiico बीमा गर्न धेरै स्वागत छ भने व्यापार वा स्कूल स्थापित गर्न एक ऋण आवश्यकता हो ( हामी सन्तुलन स्थानान्तरण अनुरोध गर्न सक्छौं पहिलो हप्ता।

व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न


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